Recorded Introduction to the Collection by Dr. David Sandner, given by Dr. David Sandner, sponsored by the Pollak Library, on April 18th, 2023.
Title: "Celebrating Latinx Futurisms: The New US Latinx Science Fiction Collection in Pollak Library's UH&SC."
Description: Definitions, histories, and highlights of the first ever anywhere US Latinx Science Fiction Collection, which opened late April, 2023, for general use in Pollak Library's Special Collections.
Bio: Dr. David Sandner is a scholar and fiction writer who has written books, essays, and short stories related to horror, science fiction, Romanticism, the fantastic, and the sublime. Works include Critical Approaches to Fantastic Literature, 1712-1831; Philip K. Dick, Essays of the Here and Now (as Editor); The Afterlife of Frankenstein (forthcoming); and recent novella-sized fiction booklets Mingus Fingers and Hellhounds (both by Fairwood Press) and His Unburned Heart (forthcoming). He is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA) and The Horror Writers Association (HWA). See davidsandner.com.